The consequences of a burglary can be very distressing and often long-lasting, even for those who do not have anything stolen. Victims suffer a loss of material goods, an increased risk of property crime in the future and a loss of sense of security. They are likely to spend a significant amount of money on extra security, including stronger locks and extra lighting. They may also need to buy a new home or car.
They may not feel safe at home and they may be frightened of going out or of being at work. Victims can feel guilt over what happened, particularly if they felt they could have done more to prevent it, but it is important to remember that nobody deserves to be burgled and that the crime was not their fault. People can even become so paranoid about being burgled that they barricade themselves in their homes. To find out more about CCTV Swindon, contact APM Fire, suppliers of CCTV Swindon systems.
Research based on offender experiments and quantitative studies involving police records or victim surveys has shown that residential attributes, such as the presence or absence of residents, are important predictors of burglary. However, the majority of these studies do not consider neighbourhood context, instead focusing on the specific attributes of individual residences. There are neighbourhoods with a higher crime rate and those who live in such areas should consider the many benefits of a surveillance system.