Something that used to be considered an activity enjoyed by elderly ladies has in recent years been discovered by the younger generations and is really becoming a lot more popular. Knitting is one of those things that we have long associated with the older generation, but now the secret is out, and many younger people are not only enjoying knitting but are also reaping the many health benefits that it can bring!
Nowadays, many people can’t get enough of knitting, with knitting kits like this becoming increasingly popular, and with so many different patterns, stitches and materials to work with it is something that you can always learn more about.
As well as the enjoyment of the hobby itself, here are just some of the health benefits that knitters can enjoy…
Using the Creative Side of the Brain – Using this side of the brain is something that helps us to switch off and become restful. This side of the brain can help to induce a meditative state which is a great thing for your mental health and wellbeing.
It is Good for Helping with Mental Illness – If you suffer from depression or anxiety, knitting could really help you. Spending time doing something that you can focus on that is also productive and creative is a great way to switch the mind away from the negative state that it can be in when you are feeling depressed or anxious.
Soothes and Distracts from Chronic Pain – Chronic pain conditions such as arthritis can be difficult to manage on a daily basis, but knitting can help you to absorb yourself into the task at hand which can then mean that you feel less pain as the brain is busy and distracted from it.
Helps to Socialise – One of the things that many people love about knitting is the sense of community. There are many knitting clubs all over the UK and they are a great way to spend time with others who have the same interest as you. You can make new friends and enjoy chatting to other people from all walks of life. Have a look at the clubs available in your local area if you are interested in joining up.