You should know before soundproofing a room

You should know before soundproofing a room

The acoustics of space is our significant home when looking for privacy and quality of life. Likewise, today many people are dedicated to the creation of audiovisual content; so knowing how to do soundproofing a room and improve acoustics is something that we should add to our general culture portfolio.

Although there are many experts, who are dedicated to this subject. The truth is that you can do a lot of the work when soundproofing your room. However, before buying foam panels or starting to recycle egg cartons. There are several points that you should take into consideration.

If you have a project of this kind in mind, either because you want to use a space to record with a more professional sound. Because you want to improve the feeling of privacy by isolating the sounds, then this article is of interest to you.

soundproofing a room

Today in Visita Casas we will tell you everything you have to know before soundproofing a room; Take note and pay close attention, it is not a topic that should be taken lightly, the simplest mistakes can cost you dearly later.

Are you going to soundproof or isolate acoustically?

The first step you must take before anyone else is to answer this question. You want to get a better sound so that your recordings sound more professional, or maybe you want to stop listening to the music of the neighbor who gives a party every weekend.

The sound insulation is often confused often with other effects that are offered us the famous foams; the effect of acoustic absorption. For that reason, like today we are going to explain to you what you must do before soundproofing. You may notice a little difference between the recommendations we will make and those that the less inexperienced ones surely recommended.

soundproofing a room

Tonometry tests

If you are going to do things well, then take the work to a professional level. Keep in mind from the beginning that all materials are acoustic absorbers. Some fulfill this function better than others, but in general, all materials are capable of absorbing noise.

But know the level at which the building materials that make up the room you want to soundproof; that’s where there are good bases for an acoustic improvement.

Not all materials are the same so that they may require different solutions. A clear example of what we say is the previous example of the neighbor we named. However, when we talk about the acoustic absorption of shopping centers. We can easily tell the difference.

With such wide spaces, full of people making a lot of noise; and other agents that produce noise. The internal temperatures inside a shopping center are kept at a pleasant value and, all that noise is not usually heard from the outside. However, have you seen the walls of a shopping center full of acoustic foams?

soundproofing a room

This great acoustic insulation is due to the absorbent properties of the construction materials that were used; determines the absorption of the materials you have in walls, floors, and ceilings before investing in external agents for soundproofing.

After the tests come to the selection of materials

When soundproofing you should know that: you should always attack the source of the noise. In this sense, it is easier to make the internal noises of our home do not bother the neighbor; to achieve that external noises do not bother us.

That is why, although with the acoustic foams can achieve a high improvement at the time of recording; This solution does not seem to be as effective when we want to stop hearing what is happening abroad.

With the typical acoustic foams you can:

  • Improve sound distribution
  • Improve the response at low frequencies
  • Eliminate floating echoes and,
  • Reduce comb effect values

soundproofing a room

Achieving a cleaner and more professional sound, in short; you will listen, and they will listen better to you inside the room. While those outside the room will notice a drop in the sound pressure level coming from you.

However, when it comes to isolating yourself acoustically from the outside. You literally must build a room inside the existing room. This may sound unconventional, expensive and a lot of work.

The truth is that we would be lying if we said that it does not require work; but regarding costs and unconventional, the truth is that in that we cannot give you the reason.

And here we tell you what is the best way to build a room inside another to achieve the soundproofing and isolation you want.

Do not just think about acoustics, also analyze the temperature

soundproofing a room

As simple as killing two birds with one stone, by soundproofing a room you can also lean on materials that allow a better conservation of temperature; so, although it does involve a bit of work, it may be the perfect time to insulate the walls of that room and thus make the most of the budget.

Use cork

Perfect material to acoustically isolate a room at an infrastructure level is cork. Used in many constructions within shopping centers; the cork offers a great alternative for the conversation of the temperature and high absorption of noise.

Also, cork, hemp or fiber way; they are very similar, ecological materials, and can be used perfectly in the soil. You will achieve a very effective level of soundproofing by adding cork to the floor or sky of that room you want to isolate acoustically.

Polyurethane sheets

You can use them for partitions or ceilings, in low densities, they allow to isolate large rooms acoustically. They help to maintain the temperature, creating a pleasant environment according to the needs.

Polyurethane is the most widely used material at industrial level in the construction of music studios or shopping centers; its flexibility makes it a great alternative to the possibilities of the earthquake and, it is an economical material that uses plastic.

Different textiles

A great secret that very few people know is that when it comes to soundproofing a room; the material that is used to improve the acoustics of the cars is excellent.

Designed to be compact and absorb high and low sound frequencies; The textiles that are used in automobiles are great allies for those people who are building one room inside another.

Since you have to put practically a new wall, what you need least is that the thickness of the wall is so exaggerated that, in the long run; subtract square meters of free space to the room. Textiles are for cars are designed to adapt to the free space offered by the thickness of a door, and you know that the doors of the cars are not so thick.

However, the efficiency of these materials cannot be doubted. Combining them with cork and polyurethane plates; you will get to dress your wall in such an efficient way at an acoustic level that you will not hear anything from the outside, and nobody will listen to you.

The best thing about these textiles is their price. The really expensive thing when you want to install acoustic insulation in a car is the workforce. If you buy the material in large quantities, you can even receive a good discount. The same one that the workshops receive when buying big rolls of textile to be able to soundproof several cars.

Acoustic panels, bass traps, and diffusers

soundproofing a room

Of course, you cannot ignore the fact that, to get a perfect sound inside the room. You should also include certain materials dedicated solely to improving the sound at a professional level.

At this point you could buy the cheapest alternatives, much of the work will be done by the walls. However; If you must acoustically seal a window, you may have to consider changing the glass before sealing it with panels or shutting it down completely.

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